James Roberts Gilmore papers
No requestable containers
Scope and Contents
This collection includes letters from literary, political, and popular individuals of the 19th century; the letters span the years 1773 to 1903. The collection originated when Gilmore was editing the Continental Monthly from 1862 to 1865 during which time he received letters from many American literary men of the period. Another large portion of the letters was amassed as a result of Gilmore's connection with a proposed Cyclopeadia of American Biography of which he was editor-in-chief.
- Creation: 1898
- Creation: 1773- approximately1903
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is housed off-site and requires 48-hours' notice for retrieval. Please contact Special Collections for more information.
Collection is open for use.
Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. Researchers are responsible for determining any copyright questions. It is not necessary to seek our permission as the owner of the physical work to publish or otherwise use public domain materials that we have made available for use, unless Johns Hopkins University holds the copyright.
Biographical Note
James Roberts Gilmore was born in Boston in 1822. He often used the pseudonym "Edmund Kirke."
In July 1864 Gilmore was sent unofficially by President Abraham Lincoln to discuss with Jefferson Davis possible terms for ending the Civil War. Davis rejected Lincoln's proposals because of the latter's refusal to recognize the independence of the Confederacy. A account of this conference was later published in the Atlantic Monthly, doing much to undermine the peace treaty in the North and aided in Lincoln's re-election.
Gilmore edited the Continental Monthly from 1862 to 1865. He was editor-in-chief of a proposed Cyclopaedia of American Biography. He was the author of a number of works including "Among the Pines" (1862), "The Life of James A. Garfield" (1880), "Personal Recollections of Abraham and the Civil War" (1898), and "John Sevier as a Commonwealth Builder." He married Laura Edmonds, daughter of the New York Judge John W. Edmonds (1799- 1874). James Roberts Gilmore died in 1903.
3.63 Cubic Feet (5 legal size document boxes, 4 flat boxes (15.5 x 12 x 3 inches))
Language of Materials
James Roberts Gilmore (1822-1903) was an American author who often used the pseudonym "Edmund Kirke." This collection includes letters collected by Gilmore from literary, political, and popular individuals of the 19th century. The letters span the years 1820 to 1903.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The collection was a gift to the University from James Roberts Gilmore in 1891. Gilmore lectured at the Peabody Institute during the winter of 1890 and was a visitor to the Historical Department of the University. He later wrote to Professor Herbert Baxter Adams offering his collection of autograph letters to the University.
The following is a quote from a descriptive text about the collection dating from 1894: "The nucleus of the gift was formed by Mr. Gilmore while he was editing the Continental Monthly from 1862 to 1865, during which time he received letters from many American literary men of that period. Another large collection of letters which is constantly being augmented has been gathered through Mr. Gilmore's connection as editor-in-chief of the new "Cyclopaedia of American Biography." The most important and interesting portion, however, comprises the letters of Mr. Gilmore's father-in-law, Judge John W. Edmonds, whose long connection with the bench and bar of New York gave him an intimate acquaintance with many of the leading statesmen and public men of the first half of the present century."
Processing Information
A number of letters were mounted into scrapbooks by librarians at Johns Hopkins in or around 1894.
This collection inventory was corrected and significantly improved in 2016 and 2019.
Liz Beckman revised the Abstract, Biographical Note, Scope and Content note, and inventory in this finding aid in August 2023 to bring them into compliance with Johns Hopkins guidelines for inclusive and conscientious description (2023). The previous version of the finding aid is available upon request.
- Rosecrans, William S. (William Starke), 1819-1898 (Person)
- Seymour, Horatio, 1810-1886 (Person)
- Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889 (Person)
- Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836 (Person)
- Randall, James Ryder, 1839-1908 (Person)
- Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873 (Person)
- Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891 (Person)
- Roosevelt, Théodore, 1858-1919 (Person)
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896 (Person)
- Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 (Person)
- Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878 (Person)
- Beauregard, G. T. (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893 (Person)
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 (Person)
- Birney, William, 1819-1907 (Person)
- Gilmore, James R. (James Roberts), 1822-1903 (Person)
- Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan, 1830-1890 (Person)
- Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922 (Person)
- Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 (Person)
- Adams, Charles Kendall, 1835-1902 (Person)
- Adler, Felix, 1851-1933 (Person)
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 (Person)
- Allen, Fred H. (Fred Hovey), 1845-1926 (Person)
- Allen, James Lane, 1849-1925 (Person)
- Allibone, S. Austin (Samuel Austin), 1816-1889 (Person)
- Anderson, Rasmus Björn, 1846-1936 (Person)
- Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867 (Person)
- Armstrong, S. C. (Samuel Chapman), 1839-1893 (Person)
- Atkinson, Edward, 1827-1905 (Person)
- Babcock, James F. (James Francis), 1844-1897 (Person)
- Badeau, Adam, 1831-1895 (Person)
- Baldwin, Simeon E. (Simeon Eben), 1840-1927 (Person)
- Ballou, Maturin Murray, 1820-1895 (Person)
- Bancroft, Frederic, 1860-1945 (Person)
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918 (Person)
- Bartlett, John, 1820-1905 (Person)
- Bayard, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis), 1828-1898 (Person)
- Beers, Henry A. (Henry Augustin), 1847-1926 (Person)
- Bell, Alexander Melville, 1819-1905 (Person)
- Bessey, Charles E. (Charles Edwin), 1845-1915 (Person)
- Blatchford, Samuel, 1820-1893 (Person)
- Bok, Edward William, 1863-1930 (Person)
- Booth, Junius Brutus, 1796-1852 (Person)
- Bourne, Edward Gaylord, 1860-1908 (Person)
- Bowles, Samuel, 1851-1915 (Person)
- Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 1848-1895 (Person)
- Brigham, Amariah, 1798-1849 (Person)
- Brush, Charles Francis, 1849-1929 (Person)
- Burlingame, Edward L. (Edward Livermore), 1848-1922 (Person)
- Butler, William Allen, 1825-1902 (Person)
- Butterfield, Daniel, 1831-1901 (Person)
- Carleton, Will, 1845-1912 (Person)
- Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873 (Person)
- Child, Francis James, 1825-1896 (Person)
- Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880 (Person)
- Church, William Conant, 1836-1917 (Person)
- Clarke, Rebecca Sophia, 1833-1906 (Person)
- Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903 (Person)
- Clayton, Powell, 1833-1914 (Person)
- Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886 (Person)
- Cooke, Rose Terry, 1827-1892 (Person)
- Cooley, Thomas McIntyre, 1824-1898 (Person)
- Coues, Elliott, 1842-1899 (Person)
- Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 1824-1889 (Person)
- Cranch, Christopher Pearse, 1813-1892 (Person)
- Crawford, F. Marion (Francis Marion), 1854-1909 (Person)
- Croswell, Edwin, 1797-1871 (Person)
- Cullum, George W. (George Washington), 1809-1892 (Person)
- Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-1894 (Person)
- Daly, Augustin, 1838-1899 (Person)
- Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897 (Person)
- Davis, Cushman Kellogg, 1838-1900 (Person)
- Davis, Rebecca Harding, 1831-1910 (Person)
- De Forest, John William, 1826-1906 (Person)
- Deland, Margaret, 1857-1945 (Person)
- Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887 (Person)
- Dix, John A. (John Adams), 1798-1879 (Person)
- Dodge, Grenville M., 1831-1916 (Person)
- Dodge, Mary Abigail, 1833-1896 (Person)
- Dodge, Theodore Ayrault, 1842-1909 (Person)
- Dodge, William E. (William Earl), 1805-1883 (Person)
- Doremus, Robert Ogden, 1824-1906 (Person)
- Dorr, Julia C. R. (Julia Caroline Ripley), 1825-1913 (Person)
- Douglas, Amanda M., 1831-1916 (Person)
- Drake, Charles D. (Charles Daniel), 1811-1892 (Person)
- Dwight, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1822-1892 (Person)
- Earle, Pliny, 1809-1892 (Person)
- Edmonds, John W. (John Worth), 1799-1874 (Person)
- Edwards, Charles, 1797-1868 (Person)
- Egan, Patrick, 1841- (Person)
- Ely, Richard T. (Richard Theodore), 1854-1943 (Person)
- English, Thomas Dunn, 1819-1902 (Person)
- Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (Person)
- Farnham, Eliza W. (Eliza Wood), 1815-1864 (Person)
- Field, David Dudley, 1805-1894 (Person)
- Field, Eugene, 1850-1895 (Person)
- Field, Kate, 1838-1896 (Person)
- Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874 (Person)
- Fine, John, 1784-1867 (Person)
- Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893 (Person)
- Fiske, John, 1842-1901 (Person)
- Flagg, Azariah C. (Azariah Cutting), 1790-1873 (Person)
- Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, 1822-1895 (Person)
- Frye, William P. (William Pierce), 1831-1911 (Person)
- Furness, Horace Howard, 1833-1912 (Person)
- Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881 (Person)
- Gayarré, Charles, 1805-1895 (Person)
- Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893 (Person)
- Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864 (Person)
- Gilbert, Linda, 1847-1895 (Person)
- Gilder, Richard Watson, 1844-1909 (Person)
- Godwin, Parke, 1816-1904 (Person)
- Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 (Person)
- Gridley, Philo, 1796-1864 (Person)
- Guild, Curtis, 1827-1911 (Person)
- Gunter, Archibald Clavering, 1847-1907 (Person)
- Hale, Edward Everett, Sr., 1822-1909 (Person)
- Hale, Horatio, 1817-1896 (Person)
- Hall, S. C. (Samuel Carter), 1800-1889 (Person)
- Hammond, William A. (William Alexander), 1828-1900 (Person)
- Harris, Ira, 1802-1875 (Person)
- Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-1934 (Person)
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 (Person)
- Headley, P. C. (Phineas Camp), 1819-1903 (Person)
- Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911 (Person)
- Hogeboom, Henry, 1808-1872 (Person)
- Holley, Marietta, 1836-1926 (Person)
- Holt, Henry, 1840-1926 (Person)
- Holt, Joseph, 1807-1894 (Person)
- Home, D. D. (Daniel Dunglas), 1833-1886 (Person)
- Hooker, Worthington, 1806-1867 (Person)
- Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910 (Person)
- Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 (Person)
- Howitt, Mary Botham, 1799-1888 (Person)
- Hunt, Washington, 1811-1867 (Person)
- Imboden, John D. (John Daniel), 1823-1895 (Person)
- Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 (Person)
- Jackson, Stonewall, 1824-1863 (Person)
- Johnson, Oliver, 1809-1889 (Person)
- Johnson, Robert Underwood, 1853-1937 (Person)
- Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931 (Person)
- Jones, Samuel, 1770-1853 (Person)
- Kirkland, Caroline M. (Caroline Matilda), 1801-1864 (Person)
- Kossuth, Lajos, 1802-1894 (Person)
- Larcom, Lucy, 1824-1893 (Person)
- Lathrop, George Parsons, 1851-1898 (Person)
- Lea, Henry Charles, 1825-1909 (Person)
- Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 (Person)
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 (Person)
- Lord, John, 1810-1894 (Person)
- Lounsbury, Thomas R., 1838-1915 (Person)
- Lowell, Josephine Shaw, 1843-1905 (Person)
- Ludlow, Fitz Hugh, 1836-1870 (Person)
- Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1846-1916 (Person)
- Mann, Horace, 1796-1859 (Person)
- Marcy, William L. (William Learned), 1786-1857 (Person)
- Matthews, Brander, 1852-1929 (Person)
- Medill, Joseph, 1823-1899 (Person)
- Mendenhall, Thomas C. (Thomas Corwin), 1841-1924 (Person)
- Minturn, Robert Bowne, 1805-1866 (Person)
- Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914 (Person)
- Moore, Frank, 1828-1904 (Person)
- Morse, John T., Jr. (John Torrey), 1840-1937 (Person)
- Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916 (Person)
- Nelson, Knute, 1843-1923 (Person)
- Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909 (Person)
- Newell, R. H. (Robert Henry), 1836-1901 (Person)
- Nicolay, John G. (John George), 1832-1901 (Person)
- Northrop, Cyrus, 1834-1922 (Person)
- Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908 (Person)
- Nott, Eliphalet, 1773-1866 (Person)
- O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889 (Person)
- O'Conor, Charles, 1804-1884 (Person)
- Opdyke, George, 1805-1880 (Person)
- Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880 (Person)
- Young, John, 1802-1852 (Person)
- Norton, Charles Eliot, 1827-1908 (Person)
- Nott, Eliphalet, 1773-1866 (Person)
- O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889 (Person)
- O'Conor, Charles, 1804-1884 (Person)
- Opdyke, George, 1805-1880 (Person)
- Osgood, Samuel, 1812-1880 (Person)
- Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-1877 (Person)
- Packard, A. S. (Alpheus Spring), 1839-1905 (Person)
- Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893 (Person)
- Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882 (Person)
- Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855-1936 (Person)
- Peterson, Henry, 1818-1891 (Person)
- Pickering, Edward C. (Edward Charles), 1846-1919 (Person)
- Pierpont, John, 1785-1866 (Person)
- Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894 (Person)
- Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930 (Person)
- Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 (Person)
- Randall, John Herman, 1871-1946 (Person)
- Riley, Charles V. (Charles Valentine), 1843-1895 (Person)
- Ripley, George, 1802-1880 (Person)
- Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910 (Person)
- Sanborn, F. B. (Franklin Benjamin), 1831-1917 (Person)
- Sargent, Epes, 1813-1880 (Person)
- Schouler, James, 1839-1920 (Person)
- Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 (Person)
- Scudder, Horace Elisha, 1838-1902 (Person)
- Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872 (Person)
- Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947 (Person)
- Sherman, John, 1823-1900 (Person)
- Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891 (Person)
- Sikes, Wirt, 1836-1883 (Person)
- Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874 (Person)
- Snow, Lorenzo, 1814-1901 (Person)
- Spencer, John C. (John Canfield), 1788-1855 (Person)
- Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott, 1835-1921 (Person)
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908 (Person)
- Stoddard, Richard Henry, 1825-1903 (Person)
- Storrs, Richard S. (Richard Salter), 1821-1900 (Person)
- Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881 (Person)
- Thompson, Maurice, 1844-1901 (Person)
- Thurston, Robert Henry, 1839-1903 (Person)
- Tilden, Samuel J. (Samuel Jones), 1814-1886 (Person)
- Tompkins, Daniel Augustus, 1851-1914 (Person)
- Tourgée, Albion W., 1838-1905 (Person)
- Tremain, Lyman, 1819-1878 (Person)
- Trumbull, H. Clay (Henry Clay), 1830-1903 (Person)
- Tyler, Moses Coit, 1835-1900 (Person)
- Van Buren, John, 1810-1866 (Person)
- Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862 (Person)
- Vanderpoel, Aaron, 1799-1870 (Person)
- Ward, William Hayes, 1835-1916 (Person)
- Warner, Charles Dudley, 1829-1900 (Person)
- Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921 (Person)
- Webb, Alexander S. (Alexander Stewart), 1835-1911 (Person)
- Welles, Gideon, 1802-1878 (Person)
- Whitney, A. D. T. (Adeline Dutton Train), 1824-1906 (Person)
- Willard, Frances E. (Frances Elizabeth), 1839-1898 (Person)
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 (Person)
- Wilson, William Lyne, 1843-1900 (Person)
- Winthrop, Robert C. (Robert Charles), 1809-1894 (Person)
- Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 1840-1894 (Person)
- Wright, Carroll D. (Carroll Davidson), 1840-1909 (Person)
- Wright, Marcus J. (Marcus Joseph), 1831-1922 (Person)
- Title
- Guide to the James Roberts Gilmore papers
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- English
- Script of description
- Latin
- Language of description note
- English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections Repository
The Sheridan Libraries
Special Collections
3400 N Charles St
Baltimore MD 21218 USA