Found in 365 Collections and/or Records:
LEO USA Corporation - Little Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOs) proceedings, 1996 - 1997
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Letter to Agency for International Development (AID) (for AT&T), 1991
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Letter to FCC re: Cable, 1993
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Little Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOs) - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Research, 1996 - 1997
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Little Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOs) - Delegation Letters, 1997 - 1998
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Little Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEOs) - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Materials, 1996
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Local Radio / Satellite broadcasting, 2005 November
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Long distance - telecommunications, 1995
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Maryland Broadband Event, Eastern Shore, 2007 October 08
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
Maryland cable companies, 1993 July
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Maryland Fiber Optics Network, 1999 - 2001
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Maryland Public Television, 1997
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
MCI - FTS 2000, 1991 May
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Meeting - Cable TV Association, 1990 August 24
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Mikulski floor speech - Telecommunications Act of 1991, 1991 June 04
This subseries contains audiovisual media in a variety of formats on a variety of topics from across Mikulski's career. The bulk of materials are recordings of speeches, interviews, and campaign ads.
Minority Business' Use of Internet - DOC Report, 2001
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. (MCHI) - Big Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - Ellipso, 1997
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - S. 2800, S. 1981 etc., 1990 - 1991
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Montgomery County: Concerns Regarding Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Right-of-Way Notice of Inquiry (FCC 11-51, WC Docket No. 11-59) - Community Access Preservation (CAP) Act of 2011, 2011 April 19
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) wireless antenna, 1995
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
National Information Infrastructure, 1995 March
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Network Finance Interest Rule, 1983
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Network Neutrality - Telecommunications, 2006 July
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Night Owl - Coleman Raphael, 1992 February
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
No More Towers - Bury the Lines, 2009 February 17
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.