United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Found in 165 Collections and/or Records:
100-1-63, Phase - Out of TACAMO Squadron at Patuxent Naval Air Station, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-64, $91.6 M for Military Construction (MILCON), Including Five National Security Agency (NSA) Projects, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-65, Barbara A. Mikulski (BAM) and Sarbanes Measure to Stop Move of National Guard Unit, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-66, $91.6 M For Military Construction (MILCON), Including 1 Project at Fort Ritchie, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-67, $91.6 M for Military Construction (MILCON), Including Two Andrews Air Force Base Projects, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-68, $91.6 M for Military Construction (MILCON), Including Two Projects in the Baltimore Area, 1987 October 20
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-92, Final Congressional Approval for Two Military Construction Programs in Baltimore, 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-93, Final Congressional Approval for Two Military Construction Projects at Andrews Air Force Base, 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-94, Final Congressional Approval for Military Construction Projects at Fort Ritchie, Western Maryland, 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-95, Final Congressional Approval for Five Military Construction Projects at National Security Agency (NSA), 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-96, Final Congressional Approval for Blocking Phase out of TACAMO Squadron at Patuxent, 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-1-99, Final Approval for Measure to Stop Proposed Move of National Guard Unit from Edgewood, 1987 December 22
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-2-35, Wins Senate Approval for Military Construction Projects, 1988 June 15
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
100-2-58, Final Passage of Funding for Military Construction (MILCON), 1988 September 15
This subseries contains drafts of speeches and talking points, op-eds, press releases and newsletters produced by Mikulski and her press office, as well as newspaper clippings that mention her work.
1074 Military Construction (MILCON) 2007 Funding, 2006 December
This subseries contains correspondence, scheduling materials and meeting notes for Mikulski and her staff, travel records, political planning materials, and administrative files associated with Mikulski's office operations in Washington, DC and state offices. Examples of material that may be found in this subseries include staff manuals, "NAV" folders prepared to brief Mikulski for events and meetings, staff memos, form letters, and constituent correspondence.
Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) Alliance Military Construction (MILCON) Defense, 2006
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) Military Construction (MILCON), 2008
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Aberdeen Reuse Military Construction (MILCON), 2002 September
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Appropriations Mark-Up: Military Construction, Foreign Operations, Agriculture, 2000 May 09
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Budget Accounts Listing FY 2006-FY 2008 - Military Construction (MILCON) Technical Correction - Legislative Bulletin S. 1547, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2008 - Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act - S. 1606 Memo - Congressional Quarterly - Panel Endorses Bill to Improve Care for Wounded Service Members, Veterans, 2007
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Committee Print, Making Appropriations for Military Construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Related Agencies for the FY Ending in 09/30/2011, and for Other Purposes - Committee Print, H.R. 2055, 2011
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Defense Funding Requests - Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) 2004 Military Construction (MILCON) Priorities, 2001 - 2003
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Edgewood - National Guard Field Operating Activity (FOA) relocation, 1990
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
FC Amendments, 07/15/2010 - 302B, Agriculture, Military Construction, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 2010 July 15
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Fort Detrick Military Construction, undated
This subseries contains legislative materials related to committee work, drafts of bills, and floor activity.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Military art and science 77
- Maryland--Harford County 16
- Maryland--Aberdeen Proving Ground 15
- press releases 14
- Maryland--Anne Arundel County 7
- Maryland--Fort George G. Meade 7
- Maryland--Joint Base Andrews 7
- Maryland--Prince George's County 7
- Armed Forces 6
- Military education 6
- Maryland--Charles County 5
- Maryland--Montgomery County 3
- Health 2
- Legislative bodies--Voting 2
- Maryland--Baltimore 2
- Maryland--Fort Ritchie Region 2
- Maryland--Washington County 2
- People with disabilities 2
- Veterans 2
- Budget process 1
- Fire departments 1
- First responders 1
- Maryland--Frederick County 1
- Maryland--Frederick--Fort Detrick Region 1
- Maryland--Wicomico County 1
- Public administration 1
- Transportation 1
- form letters 1 + ∧ less